Tobias Winkler

tobias.winkler at
Room 4231
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen

I am a doctoral researcher and PhD candidate in the Software Modeling and Verification Group headed by Professor Joost-Pieter Katoen. Moreover, I am associated with the research training group UnRAVel.


My research focuses on automatic formal analysis of discrete probabilistic systems, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. More specifically, my research interests include:

I am currently supervising our UnRAVeL research student assistant Samuel Rode. In the past, I have supervised our research student assistants Johannes Lehmann, Christina Gehnen, Adrian Gallus, Tom Biskup, and our DAAD RISE intern Arman Ozcan.

Thesis projects

If you are interested in writing a Bachelor/Master’s thesis in any of the areas mentioned above, don’t hesitate to contact me. You can also contact thesis at for a general request. I am currently supervising or have supervised the following thesis projects:

Ongoing thesis projects

  • Distributional Invariants for Probabilistic Programs – Master’s thesis. (Joint supervision with Kevin Batz).

Past thesis projects


Current semester

Past semesters


Peer Review


Conferences & Workshops

  • IJCAR 2024 (external reviewer)
  • CAV 2024 (PC member Artifact Evaluation / external reviewer)
  • AAMAS 2024 (external reviewer)
  • SODA 2024 (external reviewer)
  • MFCS 2023 (external reviewer)
  • ATVA 2023 (external reviewer)
  • SYNT 2023 @CAV 2023 (PC member)
  • POPL 2023 (external reviewer)
  • ICTAC 2022 (external reviewer)
  • CONCUR 2022 (external reviewer)
  • ICALP 2022 (external reviewer)
  • LICS 2022 (external reviewer)
  • CAV 2022 (PC member Artifact Evaluation / external reviewer)
  • POPL 2022 (external reviewer)
  • CONCUR 2021 (external reviewer)
  • CAV 2021 (PC member Artifact Evaluation / external reviewer)
  • FoSSaCS 2021 (external reviewer)

Selected Talks


You can also find me on dblp and Google Scholar.

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