Kevin Batz

kevin.batz at
Room 4203
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen
+49 241 80 21206

I am a PhD candidate and member of the FRAPPANT project at the Software Modeling and Verification Group headed by Professor J.-P. Katoen. My research interests include the semantics of (heap-manipulating) probabilistic programs as well as techniques and calculi enabling their (preferably automated) verification. Moreover, I have co-developed Weighted Programming — a programming paradigm for specifying mathematical models.

You can find me on dblp and Google Scholar.


I have been involved in the following teaching activities:


I am supervising our student research assistant Nora Orhan. In the past, I have supervised our student research assistants Philipp Schröer and Adrian Gallus as well as our postgraduate intern Tom Biskup.

Moreover, I am supervising or have supervised the following thesis projects:

  • Florian Keßler, On the Decidability of Entailment Checking in Quantitative Separation Logics, Bachelor’s Thesis, 2020, winner of the CS Department Award 2020 (with Thomas Noll and Christoph Matheja).
  • Adrian Gallus, RPrIC3: PrIC3 for Expected Rewards, Bachelor’s Thesis, 2020
  • Marvin Jansen, Decidability and Complexity of Entailment Checking in Quantitative Separation Logic, Master’s Thesis, 2021, winner of the CS Department Award 2021 (with Ira Fesefeldt and Christoph Matheja)
  • Philipp Schröer, A Deductive Verifier for Probabilistic Programs, Master’s Thesis, 2022 (with Benjamin Kaminski and Christoph Matheja)
  • Ben Sturgis, Bachelor’s Thesis, Automatic Verification of Loop Invariants in Weighted Programs, 2022 (with Tobias Winkler)
  • Tom Biskup, Invariant-based Strategy Synthesis for Nondeterministic Probabilistic Programs, Master’s Thesis, 2023, winner of the Berthold Vöcking Master Award (with Tobias Winkler)
  • Nora Orhan, TBA, Bachelor’s Thesis, 2023
  • Daniel Zilken, TBA, Master’s Thesis, 2024
  • Dinis Vitorino, TBA, Bachelor’s Thesis, 2024


  • Our paper A Deductive Verification Infrastructure for Probabilistic Programs (joint work with Philipp Schröer, Benjamin Kaminski, Joost-Pieter Katoen and Christoph Matheja) has received a distinguished artifact award at OOPSLA 2023.
  • Our paper Generating Functions for Probabilistic Programs (joint work with Lutz Klinkenberg, Benjamin Lucien Kaminski, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Joshua Moerman and Tobias Winkler) has received the best paper award at LOPSTR 2020.
  • I was awarded the Springorum Medal in 2019 for receiving a master’s degree with distinction.
  • Our paper How long, O Bayesian network, will I sample thee? A program analysis perspective on expected sampling times (joint work with Benjamin Kaminski, Joost-Pieter Katoen, and Christoph Matheja) was nominated for the EATCS Best Paper Award at ETAPS 2018.

External Reviewer


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