Moves News
Paper in FMSD Journal
The paper “Parameter Synthesis for Markov Models: Covering the Parameter Space” by Sebastian Junges (Nijmegen), Erika Abraham, Christian Hensel (Amazon), Nils Jansen (Nijmegen), Joost-Pieter Katoen, Tim Quatmann and Matthias Volk (Twente) has been accepted for publication in the journal Formal Methods in Systems Design. The paper (85 pages) presents various analysis algorithms for parametric discrete-time Marko […]
Jean-Claude Laprie Award
The Jean-Claude Laprie Award 2023 in Dependable Computing has been awarded to the paper “Model-checking algorithms for continuous-time Markov chains”, authored by Christel Baier, Boudewijn Haverkort, Holger Hermanns, and Joost-Pieter Katoen, and published in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2003. It presents a unifying theory and algorithm to evaluate a wide variety of performance and […]
Paper at ESREL 2023
The paper entitled “SAFEST: the static and dynamic fault tree analysis tool” by Matthias Volk (Twente), Muzammil Ibne Irshad (DGB), Joost-Pieter Katoen, Falak Sher (DGB), Marielle Stoelinga (Twente) and Ahmad Zafar (DGB) has been accepted for presentation at the European Conference On Safety And Reliability (ESREL) 2023 in Southampton, UK. The paper presents a powerful […]
Paper at CAV 2023
The paper entitled “Search and Explore: Symbiotic Policy Synthesis in POMDPs” by Roman Andriushchenko (Brno University of Technology), Alexander Bork, Milan Ceska (Brno), Sebastian Junges (Radboud University, Netherlands), Joost-Pieter Katoen and Filip Macak (Brno) has been accepted for presentation at the 33th Conference on Computer-Aided Verification in Paris. The paper presents a symbiotic anytime algorithm that tightly integrates a belief-based […]
Paper at IJCAI 2023
The paper entitled “Finding an ϵ-Close Minimal Variation of Parameters in Bayesian Networks” by Bahare Salmani and Joost-Pieter Katoen has been accepted for presentation at IJCAI 2023 (the 32nd Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence) in Macao. Out of 4566 full-paper submissions, about 15% has been accepted. The paper gives an algorithm for estimating the […]
Paper at LICS 2023
The paper entitled “On Certificates, Expected Runtimes, and Termination in ProbabilisticPushdown Automata” by Tobias Winkler and Joost-Pieter Katoen has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE/ACM Annual Symposium on Logic on Computer Science 2023 to be held in Boston. The paper studies certification of numerical characteristics of probabilistic pushdown systems, that is, how one can […]
Paper in IEEE TDSC
The paper entitled “A Compositional Semantics of Boolean-logic Driven Markov Processes” by Shahid Khan, Joost-Pieter Katoen andMarc Bouissou (EDF) has been accepted as regular paper for IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. This paper provides a compositional and operational semantics (using Markov automata) of BDMPs, a prominent dynamic extension of static fault trees to […]
Proceedings 25th FM Symposium
The proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Formal Methods (FM 2023), edited by Marsha Chechik (Toronto), Joost-Pieter Katoen and Martin Leucker (Lübeck), and published as LNCS volume 14000, are available from March 2 and accessible under:
DFG Project Proposal Granted
The project proposal “Probabilistic Model Checking under Partial Observability with Multiple Objectives” (POMPOM) has been granted for funding by the German Research Council. The project aims to develop new model-checking algorithms for combinations of qualitative, stochastic and total expected reward objectives for partially observable Markov decision processes (and games). The funding is for two years […]
Paper in FMSD Journal
The paper entitled “Stochastic Games with Lexicographic Objectives” by Krishnendu Chatterjee (IST Austria), Joost-Pieter Katoen, Stephanie Moor (TU Munich), Maximilian Weininger (Tu Munich), and Tobias Winkler has been accepted for publication in Formal Methods in System Design. This paper presents a detailed study of stochastic turn-based games (SG) with lexicographic objectives. The paper is an […]