Bahare Salmani

salmani at
Room 4207
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen
+49 241 80 21202

I’m a Ph.D. student in the chair “Software Modeling and Verification (moves)” headed by Prof. Joost-Pieter Katoen. My research interests include probabilistic programs, probabilistic model checking, and formal methods in a broader sense.


During my Ph.D. in the “moves” group, I’ve been a member of the FRAPPANT project with a focus on analyzing Bayesian networks. More concretely, I’ve been investigating how the techniques from probabilistic model checking can be carried over to (a) probabilistic inference and (b) parameter synthesis on (parametric) Bayesian networks. Our latest results have been recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence (JAIR) and at the International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23). 

Past Projects:

Before I join the moves group, I was a member of the RoboRebeca project headed by Marjan Sirjani. We developed a framework to generate safe codes for robotic applications.


Here is the list of thesis projects that I’m currently supervising or have supervised so far.

  • Beyza Akyüz, Analysing Sum-Product Networks, Ongoing Bachelor Thesis,
  • Anike Heikrodt, Monotonicity Analysis of Parametric Bayesian Networks, Ongoing Bachelor Thesis (co-supervision with Jip Spel).
  • Markus Milliats, Semantics and Analysis of Recursive Bayesian Networks, Master Thesis, 2023.
  • Alexandra Ivanova, Model Repair on Markov Chains and Tuning the Parameters in Bayesian Networks, Bachelor Theis, 2022.
  • Xu Yiefi, Analysing Bayesian Network Classifiers by Probabilistic Model Checking, Bachelor Thesis, 2022.
  • Hans Vrapi, Probabilistic Inference on Dynamic Bayesian Networks, Bachelor Thesis, 2021.
  • Robin Drahovsky, Parameter Synthesis on Bayesian Networks, Master Thesis, 2020.

I am always looking forward to working with students. If you are looking for a bachelor/master thesis in the context of probabilistic graphical models and their connection to probabilistic model checking / probabilistic programming, do not hesitate to contact me.


I am currently involved in the following teaching responsibilities:

Past teaching activities at RWTH:

Past teaching activities at SUT:


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