Joost-Pieter Katoen

Paper in Festschrift Scott Smolka

The paper “Model Checking Revamped: On the Automated Synthesis of Markov Chains” by Milan Ceska, Christian Dehnert, Nils Jansen, Sebastian Junges, Joost-Pieter Katoen has been published in LNCS 11500, From Reactive Systems to Cyber-Physical Systems – Essays Dedicated to Scott A. Smolka on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. The paper surveys a CEGAR and CEGIS approach towards the […]

Paper in Information & Computation

The paper entitled “Deciding probabilistic simulation between probabilistic pushdown automata and finite-state systems” by Mingzhang Huang, Hongfei Fu (both from Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Joost-Pieter Katoen has been accepted to the journal Information and Computation. The paper shows that proving probabilistic similarity between a finite probabilistic transition system (specification) and a probabilistic pushdown automaton (implementationI is EXPTIME-complete.

Paper at PRDC 2019

The paper “Synergizing Reliability Modeling Languages: BDMPs Without Repairs and DFTs” by Shahid Khan, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Matthias Volk, and Marc Bouissou (EDF) has been accepted at the 24th IEEE Pacific Rim Int. Symp. on Dependable Computing, Kyoto, 2019. The paper discusses rules to transform the reliability formalism BDMPs into dynamic fault trees, applies this to […]

Best Paper Award at FMICS 2019

The paper “A DFT Modeling Approach for Infrastructure Reliability Analysis of Railway Station Areas” by Matthias Volk, Norman Weik, Joost-Pieter Katoen and Nils Nießen has been awarded the best paper award at the 24th International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial-Critical Systems (FMICS 2019), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Paper at SEFM 2019

The paper “Formal Verification of Rewriting Rules for Dynamic Fault Trees” by Yassmeen Elderhalli (Concordia Univ.), Matthias Volk, Osman Hasan (Concordia), Joost-Pieter Katoen and Sofiene Tahar (Concordia) has been accepted at the 17th International Conference on Software Engineering andFormal Methods (SEFM 2019). The paper models a set of existing rewrite rules for DFTs in HOL4 […]

Paper at ATVA 2019

The paper “Are Parametric Markov Chains Monotonic?” by Jip Spel, Sebastian Junges and Joost-Pieter Katoen has been accepted at ATVA 2019. The paper presents a simple algorithm to check whether reachability probabilities in parametric Markov chains are monotonic in (some of) the parameters.

Paper at CONCUR 2019

The paper “On the Complexity of Reachability in Parametric Markov Decision Processes” by Tobias Winkler, Sebastian Junges, Guillermo A. Pérez and Joost-Pieter Katoen has been accepted at CONCUR 2019. The paper addresses the complexity of various synthesis problems for parametric Markov decision processes.

Paper in FM 2019

The paper “Counterexample-Driven Synthesis for Probabilistic Program Sketches” by Milan Ceska, Christian Dehnert, Sebastian Junges and Joost-Pieter Katoen has been accepted for the FM 2019 World Congress. The paper presents a CEGIS-inspired technique to automatically synthesize probabilistic programs from sketches, i.e., programs with holes.

Two papers in FMICS 2019

The paper “A DFT Modeling Approach for Infrastructure Reliability Analysis of Railway Station Areas” by Matthias Volk, Norman Weik, Joost-Pieter Katoen and Nils Nießen as well as the paper “Multiple Analyses, Requirements Once” by Philipp Berger, Johanna Nellen, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Erika Abraham, Md Tawhid Bin Waez and Thomas Rambow have been accepted at FMICS 2019 […]

Paper in RESS

The paper “Safety Analysis for Vehicle Guidance Systems with Dynamic Fault Trees” by Sebastian Junges, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Majdi Ghadhab (BMW), Matthias Volk, Matthias Kuntz (BMW) has been accepted to the journal Reliability Engineering and System Safety (impact factor 4,1). The paper shows how to model a variety of safety concepts and E/E architectures for drive […]