Moves News

Paper at CONCUR 2022

The paper entitled “Towards Concurrent Quantitative Separation Logic” by Ira Fesefeldt, Joost-Pieter Katoen and Thomas Noll has been accepted at the 33rd International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR), to be held in Warsaw. The paper proposes a variant of Quantitative Separation Logic (QSL) for reasoning about concurrent probabilistic programs.

Paper at FMICS 2022

The paper entitled “Analysing Capacity Bottlenecks in Rail Infrastructure by Episode Mining” by Th. Noll, J. Berger (both MOVES), W. Lenze, B. Kogel (both Institute of Transport Science, RWTH Aachen University), S. Schotten, Th. Büker (both quattron management consulting GmbH), and M. Fietze (German Centre for Rail Traffic Research) has been accepted for presentation at the […]

Paper at RAILWAYS 2022

The paper entitled “Identification of bottlenecks in rail infrastructure” by W. Lenze, B. Kogel (both Institute of Transport Science, RWTH Aachen University), S. Schotten, Th. Büker (both quattron management consulting GmbH), Th. Noll, J. Berger (both MOVES) and M. Fietze (German Centre for Rail Traffic Research) has been accepted for presentation at the 5th International Conference […]

Paper at QEST 2022

The paper entitled “POMDP Controllers With Optimal Budget” by Jip Spel, Svenja Stein and Joost-Pieter Katoen has been accepted for presentation at the 18th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST) in Warsaw, Poland. The paper tackles the problem of finding “almost optimal” valuations for parametric Markov chains, such that the expected reward to […]

Paper at UAI 2022

The paper entitled “Inductive Synthesis of Finite-State Controllers for POMDPs” by Roman Andriushchenko, Milan Ceska, Sebastian Junges, Joost-Pieter Katoen has been accepted for the 38th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The paper was one of the 230 accepted papers out of 718 submissions. The paper proposes an inductive synthesis-based approach for the synthesis […]

Member AKW-NRW

The North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts has elected Joost-Pieter Katoen as ordinary member. Katoen is the third computer scientist from RWTH Aachen University that has become a member of AKW-NRW. The other CS members are Wil van der Aalst and Leif Kobbelt.

Paper in STTT

The paper entitled “Scenario-Based Verification of Uncertain Parametric MDPs” by Thom Badings, Nils Jansen, and Sebastian Junges (all Radboud University Nijmegen, NL), Murat Cubuktepe and Ufuk Topcu (UT Austin, USA) and Joost-Pieter Katoen has been accepted in the International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (special issue devoted to TACAS 2020). The paper focuses on […]

CONCUR Test-of-Time Award

With great pleasure, we announce that the paper entitled “Approximate symbolic model checking of continuous-time Markov chains” by Christel Baier, Holger Hermanns and Joost-Pieter Katoen has been selected for the CONCUR Test-of-Time Award. The purpose of the award is to recognize important achievements in Concurrency Theory that were published at the CONCUR conference and have […]

Successful Dissertation Defense

On April 28, Matthias Volk successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled: “Dynamic Fault Trees: Analysis, Semantics, and Applications” for a jury consisting of the external examinar Allessandro Cimatti (FBK Trento, IT), the examiner Wil van der Aalst, supervisor Joost-Pieter Katoen and chairman Stefan Kowalewski. The dissertation provides a formal DFT semantics by means of generalized […]

Paper at CAV 2022

The paper entitled “Does a Program Yield the Right Distribution? Verifying Probabilistic Programs via Generating Functions” by Mingshuai Chen, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Lutz Klinkenberg and Tobias Winkler has been accepted at CAV 2022 (Computer-Aided Verification). Out of 209 submissions, 40 regular papers have been accepted at CAV 2022. The paper leverages probability generating functions to prove […]