README for PROPhESY ------------------- 1) In order to use the web-frontend of the tool, please first start the webservice by double-clicking on "Prophesy Server" on the desktop and waiting for the line "Starting webservice..." to appear. Then, you can access the frontend via the browser. To do so, double-click on "Prophesy GUI" on the desktop. You can then use the GUI as illustrated by the video on the website. For example, you can select precomputed rational functions by clicking "select result" on the right-hand side of the screen and selecting any of the models. 2) In order for you to be able to reproduce our benchmark results, we have included the core of the verification procedure, i.e. the model checker computing the rational function, in the virtual machine. The executable "pstorm" can be found at /home/prophesy/bin. If you want to run any of the experiments from the paper, please open a terminal (for example by right-clicking the desktop and selecting "Open terminal here" and then changing to the right directory by typing cd /home/prophesy/bin The model checker binary (pstorm) can then be run by invoking ./pstorm [...] To make things easy, we included a script for each of our benchmark instances that should help reproduce our results. For example, you can check the reachability property on the brp (128,2) instance by running sh scripts/ from the bin directory. Note that it is important to run this script from the /home/prophesy/bin directory, since otherwise the model files and/or executable are not found. The scripts for the other benchmark instances and properties follow a similar naming scheme and can be run in the same fashion. If you want some more statistics, you can manually add "-stats" as an option to the pstorm executable. This will enable more detailed reports on the time used for model building, bisimulation and the actual model checking.